Tim SchnickmannTransitSennheiser MKH 60Andrzej KlamtSkoda OktaviaVincent LucassenDAT - RekorderSchienenDollyARRI SR-3AusrŸstungSchŸppe?Eugen HechtTomasz MalotaUlrich RydzewskiSennheiser MKH 60





21. - 26. Juni 2005
25. Juni 2005 um 15:00h

„The award for second place in the Feature category is given to a
captivating and beautifully-photographed film for cinema which gives
us an insight into a little-known face of Europe, in our time
but also timeless, – the film “Carpatia” by Andrzej Klamt and Ulrich Rydzewski“

The Ecofilms Festival invites the participation of documentaries, shorts and
features with environmental and ecology themes, encouraging
conservation issues and issues related with the natural, the human and the
built environment.
Prizes are awarded to the films for their innovative approach in conservation
issues for their daring proposal in subject matter and their artistic
qualities overall.