Tim SchnickmannTransitSennheiser MKH 60Andrzej KlamtSkoda OktaviaVincent LucassenDAT - RekorderSchienenDollyARRI SR-3AusrŸstungSchŸppe?Eugen HechtTomasz MalotaUlrich RydzewskiSennheiser MKH 60





03. - 07. Mai 2005
05. Mai 2005

The objective of the Festival is to present and award new films, TV and video
programmes that by their contents and artistic level help to disseminate
ideas about nature and environmental protection.

ENVIROFILM provides an opportunity for international co-operation and
exchange of opinions and helps to find new ways for their application.
It is a meeting place for creative filmmakers and experts.

The programme of the Festival consists of the international contest of films,
video and TV programmes, projection of non-competition films,
conferences, professional and creative seminars and workshops, „green talks“
– discussions with public, press conferences, exhibitions,
international competitions and accompanying events for children and youth.