Tim SchnickmannTransitSennheiser MKH 60Andrzej KlamtSkoda OktaviaVincent LucassenDAT - RekorderSchienenDollyARRI SR-3AusrŸstungSchŸppe?Eugen HechtTomasz MalotaUlrich RydzewskiSennheiser MKH 60




European Documentary Film Festival, Oslo

07. - 13. April 2005
10. April 2005 um 21:00h

Mission and Primary Objective

The objective of the Norwegian Film Institute is to preserve, support and
distribute Norwegian and foreign films, so that film as an expression of art and
culture becomes more visible
. The Institute's primary objectives are
- to preserve and restore films
- to distribute and screen films
- to market and inform about films in Norway
- to market Norwegian films abroad.
The Norwegian Film Institute is under the authority of the Ministry of Cultural
Affairs, and the goals in the area of film which have been adopted by the
Storting (Parliament), govern the Institute's activities.