Tim SchnickmannTransitSennheiser MKH 60Andrzej KlamtSkoda OktaviaVincent LucassenDAT - RekorderSchienenDollyARRI SR-3AusrŸstungSchŸppe?Eugen HechtTomasz MalotaUlrich RydzewskiSennheiser MKH 60

News from 07.03.2005

European Film Festival, Oslo


We would like to screen „Carpatia“ at The European Film Festival in Oslo 7-13th of April. As of today the film is also suggested as an opening film and will be screened in the competition programme. I will keep you updated on this. All the best, ANITA FLÅT VESTØL

“This wonderful film wanders through four countries and speaks seven languages. Whenever the people are silent, nature talks, through nebulous trees, whispering fields, seepage water, snow.”
- Christoph Dieckmann, Die Zeit

“An affectionate approach towards people, who lead their lives in loneliness and abandonment.”
- Fritz Göttler, Süddeutsche Zeitung

“Illustrious images of unheard. Carpatia is the document of both a forgotten as well as a perishing world.”
- Anke Westphal, Berliner Zeitung

“In this way one immerses during two hours into a completely different, secluded, quiet, faraway world, from which one would not like to return all that quickly into ours.”
- Kirsten Liese, BR-Online
Bestellung DVD (1/3)

Die DVD ist ab sofort bei uns erhältlich. Sie kostet für Endverbraucher EUR 17,90 zuzüglich EUR 2,10 Versandkostenpauschale innerhalb Deutschlands
(Gesamt EUR 20,-)

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Filmstiftung NRW Hessische Filmförderung Filmfond Wien 3sat Basis-Film Verleih Berlin Halbtotalfilm Filmproduktion Hektor + Rydzewski   Bild + Ton Produktion Nikolaus Geyrhalter Filmproduktion Synchro Film una?d Video Bearbeitung